swedish black metal
Albums scraped2021-12-05T08:05:39.858Z
Last updated2021-12-15T21:09:40.227Z
Released at
23Dissection - The Grief Prophecy1991-02
22Dissection - Into Infinite Obscurity1991-09-05
87Dissection - The Somberlain1993-12-03
33Dawn - Nær Sólen Gar Niþer For Evogher1994-02-06
34Arckanum - Trulen1994
71Mithotyn - Meadow in Silence1994
56Arckanum - Fran Marder1995-07
85Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane1995-11-17
79Throne of Ahaz - Nifelheim1995
70Dark Funeral - The Secrets of the Black Arts1996-01-28
18Setherial - Nord...1996-03-18
69Nefandus - The Nightwinds Carried Our Names1996-05
94Marduk - Heaven Shall Burn... When We Are Gathered1996-11-21
25Sorhin - Skogsgriftens Rike1996
88Necrophobic - Darkside1997-03-04
43Arckanum - Kostogher1997-05-19
39Sorhin - I Det Glimrande Mörkrets Djup1997
46Watain - Go Fuck Your Jewish God1998-02-11
92Pest - In Eternity Skyless1999-02
59Watain - Black Metal Sacrifice1999-10
86Watain - The Essence of Black Purity1999-10
67Pest - Black Thorns1999-12
55Dark Funeral - Teach Children to Worship Satan2000-03-27
60Nifelheim - Servants Of Darkness2000-08-15
31Dark Funeral - In the Sign2000
44Watain - Rabid Death's Curse2000
4Armagedda - The Final War Approaching2001-01
61Watain - The Ritual Macabre2001
64Blodsrit - Supreme Misanthropy2001
66Various Artists - Under Wings of Hell2002-05-21
57Craft - Terror Propaganda: Second Black Metal Attack2002-11-03
19Pest - Blasphemy Is My Throne2002
41Pest - Desecration2003-10-21
2Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux2003-11-03
62Watain - Casus Luciferi2003-11-17
10Armagedda - Only True Believers2003
98Ninnuam - Process of Life Separation2004-03-03
96Chaos Omen - Life be Gone2004-05-01
24Hypothermia - Suicide Fixation2004-06
100Woods of Infinity - Förintelse & Libido2004-12-06
37Pest - Dauðafærð2004
93Armagedda - In Blackest Ruin2004
17Woods of Infinity - Hejdå2005-04-19
65Dimhymn - Fördärvets Maskineri2005-05-30
12Woods of Infinity - Ljuset2005-10-10
99Lord Belial - Nocturnal Beast2005-11-21
53Rimfrost - A Frozen World Unknown2006-10-28
14Watain - Sworn to the Dark2007-02-19
21Shining - V - Halmstad (Niklas Angеende Niklas)2007-06
28Woods of Infinity - Hamptjärn2007-09-12
35Satariel - Chifra2007-09-27
68Blodsrit - Hinterland2007-12-24
77Orcivus - Consummatum Est2008-02-20
27Avsky - Malignant2008-04-08
52The Black - Alongside Death2008-05-04
26Arckanum - Grimalkinz Skaldi2008-07-13
83Hypothermia - Kaffe & Blod2008-09-20
72Woods of Infinity - Hopplös Väntan2008-11-03
63Funeral Mist - Maranatha2009-02-23
13IXXI - Elect Darkness2009-03-16
75Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ2009-05-29
50Arckanum - Fran Marder (2009 Reissue)2009-10-01
58Lustre - Welcome Winter2009-12-14
5Valkyrja - Contamination2010-01-15
97Ondskapt - Arisen from the Ashes2010-03-12
49Orcivus - Est Deus In Nobis2010-03-15
29Armagedda - Ond Spiritism2010-04-20
1Watain - Reaping Death2010-04-30
16Setherial - Ekpyrosis2010-05-14
40Armagedda - I Am2010-08-06
74Svartrit - I2010-09-29
84Svartrit - III2010-09-29
91Svartrit - II2010-09-29
32Flagellant - Monuments2010-10-09
42Marduk - Werwolf2010
51Craft - Void2011-08-05
73Bekëth Nexëhmü - De dunkla herrarna2011-08-15
9Pianos Become the Teeth - Touché Amoré / Pianos Become The Teeth Split2011-11-01
48Woods of Infinity - Förlåt2011-12
20Watain - Opus Diaboli2012-05-04
90Wulkanaz - HaglaNaudizEisaz2012-10-27
15Watain - All That May Bleed2013-06-21
54Owen - L'Ami du Peuple2013-07-02
7Valkyrja - The Antagonist's Fire2013-11-11
76State Faults - Resonate/Desperate2013-11-11
81Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium (Re-issue + Bonus)2013-11-25
11Mortuus - Grape Of The Vine2014-09-16
89Azelisassath - Evil Manifestations Against Mankind2014-09-16
38Marduk - Frontschwein2015-01-19
82Watain - Nuclear Alchemy2015-01-26
30Murg - Varg & Björn2015-04-10
6Grift - Hägringar2015-09-18
80Hermóðr - The Darkness of December2016-02-29
47Hermóðr - The Howling Mountains2016-12-21
3Ofdrykkja - Irrfärd2017-12-18
36Grá - Väsen2018-04-27
95Funeral Mist - Hekatomb2018-06-15
78Craft - White Noise And Black Metal2018-06-22
45Marduk - Viktoria2018
8Dark Funeral - Unchain My Soul2021-02-10